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From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back

Original price was: ₨1,500.00.Current price is: ₨1,000.00.

  • Interdisciplinary Odyssey: “From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back” invites readers on an intellectual odyssey, navigating the crossroads of evolutionary biology and economics. Authored by experts at the confluence of these disciplines, this groundbreaking exploration transcends traditional academic boundaries, unraveling the intricate relationships that weave together the natural world and economic systems. The book is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary exploration, challenging preconceptions and offering a profound understanding of the intertwined tapestry of evolution and economics.
  • Dialogues Between Disciplines: The narrative unfolds as a captivating dialogue between evolutionary biology and economics, showcasing how principles from one domain can illuminate and enrich the understanding of the other. Readers traverse the historical development of these fields, witnessing the resonance between key concepts like adaptation and selection in both evolutionary biology and economic theories. The authors skillfully dissect complex topics, from the evolution of cooperation to the emergence of economic institutions, providing a holistic view that accentuates the parallels and divergences between these seemingly disparate disciplines.
  • Synthesis of Theory and Application: Through a synthesis of theoretical frameworks and practical applications, the book acts as a bridge connecting scholars, researchers, and curious minds eager to explore the profound connections between the biological origins of life and the intricate dynamics of economic systems. The exploration goes beyond the theoretical, offering insights into real-world applications where the principles of evolutionary biology and economics intersect, providing a comprehensive guide for those seeking interdisciplinary insights.
  • Visual Engagement for Varied Preferences: Recognizing diverse reader preferences, the publishers are preparing this edition in both color matte finish and black-and-white materials. This thoughtful approach ensures that readers can engage with the content in a manner that aligns with their preferences and reading environments. The color matte finish enhances the visual experience, bringing vibrancy to illustrations, graphs, and diagrams that are integral to grasping the complexities of evolutionary biology and economics. Simultaneously, the black-and-white option prioritizes accessibility and readability, making this book a versatile reference for academics, students, and professionals across various reading conditions.
  • A Journey Beyond Disciplinary Silos: “From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back” is more than just a book; it’s an intellectual journey that beckons readers to explore the profound connections between the natural world and economic phenomena. This interdisciplinary masterpiece challenges boundaries, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate dance between evolution and economics. As a comprehensive guide, it not only enriches academic discourse but also sparks curiosity, prompting readers to rethink the distinctions that often separate scientific domains. Ultimately, this book stands as a beacon for the power of interdisciplinary exploration, illustrating how diverse fields can converge to unravel the mysteries of our world and inspire innovative solutions to complex challenges

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From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back

Embark on a thought-provoking journey through the intersections of evolutionary biology and economics with the groundbreaking book, “From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back.” Authored by experts at the crossroads of these disciplines, this comprehensive exploration transcends traditional academic boundaries, offering readers a profound understanding of how biological evolution and economic systems are intertwined. Rooted in cutting-edge research, personal insights, and interdisciplinary connections, this book serves as a bridge between seemingly disparate fields, revealing the nuanced relationships that shape both the natural world and our economic landscapes.

The narrative unfolds as a captivating dialogue between evolutionary biology and economics, showcasing how principles from one domain can illuminate and enrich the understanding of the other. Readers are guided through the historical development of these fields, witnessing how key concepts from evolutionary biology, such as adaptation and selection, find resonance in economic theories and vice versa. The authors dissect complex topics, from the evolution of cooperation to the emergence of economic institutions, providing a holistic view that highlights the parallels and divergences between these disciplines. Through a synthesis of theoretical frameworks and practical applications, the book invites scholars, researchers, and curious minds to explore the profound connections between the biological origins of life and the intricate dynamics of economic systems.

In recognition of diverse reader preferences, the publishers are meticulously preparing this edition in both color matte finish and black-and-white materials. This thoughtful approach ensures that readers can engage with the content in a manner that aligns with their preferences and reading environments. The color matte finish enhances the visual experience, bringing vibrancy to illustrations, graphs, and diagrams that are integral to grasping the complexities of evolutionary biology and economics. Simultaneously, the black-and-white option prioritizes accessibility and readability, making this book a versatile reference for academics, students, and professionals seeking interdisciplinary insights across various reading conditions.

“From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back” is not just a book; it’s an intellectual journey that transcends disciplinary silos, inviting readers to explore the profound connections between the natural world and economic phenomena. This interdisciplinary masterpiece challenges preconceptions, encouraging a deeper understanding of the intricate dance between evolution and economics. As a comprehensive guide, it not only enriches academic discourse but also sparks curiosity, prompting readers to rethink the boundaries that often separate scientific domains. This book stands as a testament to the power of interdisciplinary exploration, demonstrating how diverse fields can converge to illuminate the mysteries of our world and inspire innovative solutions to complex challenges


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